If you or someone you know has been arrested on a European Arrest Warrant or an extradition request from a non-EU country you need specialist assistance from expert solicitors who understand extradition law. ABV solicitors are able to help you. Our team has experience in representing individuals wanted in both “Part 1” (European Arrest Warrant) cases, and in Part 2 (non-EAW) cases.
ABV solicitors provides advice and representation in first instance hearings at Westminster Magistrates’ Court and on appeals to the High Court, through the entire extradition process, from before arrest to appeal. Our team understands the tight deadlines that often apply in extradition cases and are able to offer timely advice.
We have experience of instructing and working with lawyers abroad to provide expert evidence or to assist in seeking to obtain the compromise of EAWs and extradition requests. We work with lawyers and other experts including individuals recommended by Fair Trials International.
Given the complexity of legal and technical issues that often arise in extradition cases we regularly instruct experienced extradition barristers from leading chambers.
Examples of cases where ABV has successfully represented clients in extradition cases include Arshad v Malta where the High Court discharged our client on the basis of his ill health and conditions of treatment he would face in Malta. In 2017 we represented a youth wanted on a European arrest warrant in Latvia v NC. The District Judge at Westminster Magistrates’ Court accepted our arguments that extradition would be a disproportionate interference in our client’s right to a family and private life and discharged him.